bible journaling · Bible study · faith

tools not rules

Do you ever feel overwhelmed when you contemplate Bible study? While I’m no authority on the subject of studying God’s Word, I do enjoy the process of digging deeper.  I have practiced many approaches to Bible study, some that stuck and some that didn’t.  Employing different methods is often necessary depending on the type of…… Continue reading tools not rules

bible journaling · Bible study · faith

what a beautiful name {jehovah-rapha: my healer}

Are you feeling broken? Wounded? Worn out? Ashamed? I have good news. Our God is Jehovah-Rapha: Healer. I mentioned before that our ladies’ Bible study group is working on The Names of God Bible Challenge. Though I’ve only just started sharing with you, we are actually about half-way through it. One of the ladies remarked…… Continue reading what a beautiful name {jehovah-rapha: my healer}

bible journaling · Bible study · faith · life

what a beautiful name {El-Roi}

It was time to pick another guide for our Ladies’ Bible Study group. If you’ve ever led a study like this, you know the choices can be overwhelming. I usually begin by asking the Lord for direction. I go to the ladies to see if they have any particular study they’d like to do, then…… Continue reading what a beautiful name {El-Roi}